Simple tips on having a healthy financial life by Datuk Dr. Elamaran Sabapathy
Take charge of your finances. Financial health is equally important as your physical health. Don’t wait for a crisis or major life event to get your act together.
Don’t buy consumer items (cars, clothing, vacations, and so on) that lose value over time on
credit. Use debt only to make investments in things that gain value, such as
real estate or art/antique investments.
Use credit cards only for convenience, not for carrying debt.
Live within your means
and don’t try to keep up with your co-workers, neighbors, and peers.
Save and invest at
least 5-10% of your monthly income.
Research before you buy. Never purchase a financial product or service on the basis of an
advertisement or salesperson’s solicitation and avoid financial
products that carry high commissions and expenses.
Don’t purchase any financial product that you don’t understand.
Avoid making emotionally based financial decisions.
Make investment decisions based on your needs and the long-term fundamentals of what
you’re buying.
Own a property based on your affordability.
Prepare for life changes. The better you are at living within your means and anticipating life
changes, the better off you will be financially and emotionally.
Prioritize your
financial goals and start working toward them. Be patient. Focus on your
accomplishments and learn from your mistakes.
Don’t gamble, avoid
casinos and don't get involved in get rich quick scheme.